SB357 HJUD AM 2-24

The Committee on the Judiciary moves to amend the bill as follows:

            On page 69, section 6, line 1, by striking all of the body of section 6 and inserting in lieu thereof the following:

            “Mining equipment being transported or trammed underground, other than ordinary sectional movements, shall be transported or trammed by qualified personnel. When equipment is being transported or trammed where trolley wire is energized on the split of air in which said equipment is being transported or trammed, no person shall be permitted to be inby the equipment in the ventilating split that is passing over such equipment, except those directly involved with transporting or tramming the equipment, and shall be under the supervision of a certified foreman. To avoid accidental contact with power lines, face equipment shall be insulated and assemblies removed, if necessary, so as to provide clearance.”


            On page 74, section 28, line 9, after the word “cameras”, by inserting “if permitted by the director.”


            On page 74, section 28, lines 11-13, by striking the following: “The use of sideboards on shuttle cars on which cameras are installed shall not be prohibited by rule.”


            On page 82, section 37, line 159, after the word “cameras”, by inserting “if permitted by the director.”


            On page 82, section 37, lines 159-161, by striking the following: “The use of sideboards on shuttle cars on which cameras are installed shall not be prohibited by rule.”